Exame Psicológico de Placas

by R.o Tech

Auto & Vehicles


Study the road signs for Detrans theory test anywhere, anytime with multiple questions!Simulate the official CNH Detran test, get 70% hit and be ready for approval!See the main features available in the app:✅ Completely free.✅ Simulated Detran official CNH test with various questions.✅ Audible warning of correct or incorrect.Final Final result for you to check your performance.✅ New questions every week.Can be used to study for the test of all states of Brazil:Acre ACAlagoas ALAmapá APAmazonas AMBahia BACeara CEFederal District DFEspírito Santo ESGoiás GOMaranhão MAMato Grosso MTMato Grosso do Sul MSMinas Gerais MGFor PAParaíba PBParaná PRPernambuco PEPiaui PIRio de Janeiro - RJRio Grande do Norte RNRio Grande do Sul RSRondônia RORoraima RRSanta Catarina SCSao Paulo-SPSergipe SETocantins TOStudent: Antônio Vinícius R. OliveiraCourse: Computer ScienceDeveloper: http://evassmat.com/21637121/rotech